Our Story

Research & Studies

In the search for an impeccable hair solution for men after having to endure alopecia areata, our founder Mr. William Tan recognized that it is imperative for men to look after their scalp & hair care routine as it doesn’t differ too much from that of a woman. Our founder was apprehensive about the patchy hair loss thus, it leads to the idea of developing Haestic Men’s Haircare Programme.

Test & Developement

Just like other grooming products, our founder Mr. William Tan assembled the R&D team to come up with hair care products that is science-backed specially targeted for men. The product manufacturing was a success making Haestic an official accomplishment after several probes to ensure the best results for men’s hair problems.

Development of Brand of Haestic Hair Loss Series

A new 3+1 Hair Growth programme was launched to help men, while also building awareness, on the importance of hair & scalp care. The range of products intend to regain men’s confidence by eliminating their hair loss issues. Instead of following unachievable patterns, this program comprises of supplement that contains collagen helping men hair growth from the inside out. 

Ecommerce Store Developement

Inspired by the success of Haestic website - a small team was formed to take charge of Haestic e-commerce platform such as Google, Shopee & Shopify. Haestic provides professional and clinically proven treatment hair loss & scalp treatment for men to enhance our clients’ mental relaxation and physical appearance.

Hair Blackening New Series Launching

Haestic evolve with Grayverse – a hair blackening kit for men was created following further research on generally known complications some men are facing which is the appearance of grey/white hair. The best ingredients were gathered in the most natural way to significantly relieve those problems.

Collaboration with
Fitness First Malaysia

A lucrative collaboration with 11 outlets of Fitness First was formed where these outlets are fully sponsored by Haestic to enhance the confidence of men and empower them to achieve desirable results the natural way. The active ingredients in Haestic stimulates melanin on men’s scalp guaranteeing unique strengths to help hair look healthier.

Check Other Hair Solution Programme

White/Grey Hair
Hair Loss